NBHS Transportation
Contact: Dr. Wendy Hannah

Stay Connected with NBHS Bus Remind Codes
Please sign up to receive important updates about your bus throughout the school year.
Text the @code of the bus you want to join to 81010. You'll immediately receive a text confirming you've joined. If you ride more than one bus, you can sign up for each of them.
You may also want to download the Remind app from the App Store or Google Play.
NBHS Bus Drivers

Bus #86:
Calvin Martin

Bus #88:
Dean Anderson
(NDA Shuttle Bus)

Bus #243:
Robby Parker (AM)
Cynthia Watkins (PM)

Bus #256:
Greg McFee

Bus #258:
Tyler Cross

Bus #261:
Wilma Brown
(Community HS Shuttle Bus)

Bus #273:
Donald Roberts
(BCEC/BCMC/BCCI Shuttle Bus)

Bus #300:
KC Griffin

Bus #531:
John Ballard
Student Bus Rider Expectations

Bus drivers strive to create a positive environment that is mutually respectful. Behavior expectations are clearly identified and provided to students with frequent reminders. All bus drivers are encouraged to maintain a seating chart and require students to remain in their assigned seats at all times.
If parents/guardians have questions or concerns regarding school transportation, please request to speak with a school administrator at the school. It is unlawful to enter a school bus without permission from a school administrator or school bus driver or to refuse to leave a school bus following the direction of a school administrator or school bus driver. Additionally, it is unlawful for anyone to willfully stop, impede, delay or detain any public school bus. (G.S. § 14-132.2)
Please remember that bus transportation is a privilege and not a right. All school expectations apply when students are riding the bus. Students who do not meet expectations set forth by the school and bus driver will be suspended from the bus. As the bus and the bus stop are both considered to be part of the school campus, students will follow the same Code of Student Conduct. Administration will use the same procedures regarding consequences.
All of our buses are equipped to use video cameras. Videos are periodically viewed to monitor behavior on the bus – at random and also when incidents occur that warrant a closer look. All bus drivers will address minor incidents with students who do not meet behavior expectations. Repeated minor incidents or incidents that are more serious in nature will be reported to school administration.