2021-2022 School Profile

To establish a strong foundation for life-long learning by nurturing, guiding, and challenging all students to become responsible, productive members of society.
North Buncombe High School is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and the North Carolina State Department of Public Instruction. The school is one of six comprehensive high schools (grades 9-12) within the Buncombe County School System, the eighth largest public-school system in North Carolina. Located in Weaverville, a rural mountain community approximately ten miles north of Asheville. The area is most widely noted for its proximity to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the Blue Ridge Parkway. Tourism and industry is the mainstay of the area’s economic base. The current school population is approximately 970 students and 70 teachers. The school follows the four/four curriculum which allows a student to complete four credits each semester or eight credits for the school year. Classes meet for 90 minutes each day, five days per week for a total of 135 contact hours per one unit of credit. The school year consists of two eighteen-week terms or semesters, for a total of 182 school days.
Courses at North Buncombe are designated Advanced Placement (AP), Honors (H), or Standard. AP and Honors designation meet the needs of students with exceptional ability and achievement. Courses without this designation are standard courses appropriate for college or tech prep studies. Buncombe County Schools partners with AB Technical College through the College & Career Promise program to offer Dual Enrollment courses. BCS students, who are eligible with GPA requirements, have the opportunity to make the most of their high school academic program through college level courses founded on the premise of rigor of academic programming and the relevance of the curriculum for real-world and global applications.
A minimum of 28 credits are required for graduation. Required credits include English (4), Mathematics (4), Science (3), Social Studies (4), Health & Physical Education (1), Electives (13).
AP English Language & Comp, AP English Literature & Comp | English I H, II H, III H, IV H |
AP Statistics (MAT 152), AP Calculus | Algebra Math III H, Math II H, Pre-Calculus H, Discrete Math H |
AP Earth Environmental Science | Physics H, Biology H, Anatomy/Physiology H, Chemistry H, Earth Environmental Science H |
US History AP, World History AP, AP European | US History H, World History H, Economics/Law H |
AP availability only offered through NCVPS | Spanish III, French III, French IV, Theatre III, Band, Art III, Art IV |
Dual Enrollment, AP CTE Courses & Select NCVPS Courses | Selected CTE & NCVPS Courses |
Grade point average is determined by adding weighted points (AP & Dual Enrollment=+1, Honors=+0.5) to the grades on a 4.0 scale. Class rank, which is computed at the end of the fall and spring term, includes all students and all graded subjects. Students graduating with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better are recognized as graduating with Honors, 4.0 as High Honors, and 4.25 as Highest Honors.
A | 4.0 | 90-100 |
B | 3.0 | 80-89 |
C | 2.0 | 70-79 |
D | 1.0 | 60-69 |
F | 0.0 | 0-59 |
Spring semester 2020: Students may have a number grade, PC19 (Pass) or WC19 (Fail) on their transcript. PC19 & WC19 are not calculated into GPA. Some students were advised to take a PC19 instead of a number grade to support their GPA.
Full remote learning began for all students from March 2020 through the end of the spring semester. The 2020/21 school year began with students being full remote until mid-October when a hybrid model was introduced where students had the option of full remote or in person learning on an A Day / B Day schedule.
Seventy-two percent of NBHS graduates are attending post-secondary institutions. Forty percent are attending a four-year university/college. Thirty-three percent are attending a two-year community college to include technical colleges, trade schools, business schools, and nursing schools. One percent will enter the military service and twenty-two percent will enter the workforce.
North Buncombe does not furnish awards /achievements, extra-curricular activities, or curriculum-related work experience on the transcript. This information will be supplied by the student.
ACT Test Data | Mean Composite: 19 |
SAT Test Data | Mean Total Score: 1142 |
For more information, please call the Counseling Department at (828) 645-4332.
The Buncombe County Board of Education is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, sex, age, religion, disability, and national origin. The policy is enacted in compliance with Federal Law, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972; The Rehabilitation Act of 1973; and the Americans with Disabilities Act.