Update for this year's Mid-Year Graduation: The ceremony will be held on January 27, 2024, at Harrah's Cherokee Center Arena at 11 am; the Inclement Weather Date is January 28, also at Harrah's Cherokee Center Arena at 2 pm. Please reach out to your student's school for more details. #BSCGrads #BCS

Good afternoon, BCS Staff, Families, and Community:
As the school year continues, we are working hard to ensure all of our students have the resources they need- and you can help! Thanks to a partnership with Purposity, we have identified the most urgent student needs and uploaded them to the Purposity website - a program that allows our community to meet these needs with just a few clicks.
🖍Items include everything from new shoes to school supplies.
What do you need to do?
Simply sign up at https://www.purposity.com/organization/BuncombeSchools, follow our page, and meet a need with just a few clicks today. You can also download the Purposity App for your smartphone.

The Buncombe County Board of Education will meet in regular session on November 2, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. in the Minitorium at 175 Bingham Road, Asheville.
**Public Comment will be accepted in person. Members of the public wishing to speak will need to come to Entrance “B”. Doors will open at 4:45 p.m. and speakers must arrive no later than 5:15 p.m. to complete entrance screening procedures and sign in to speak. All speakers will have precisely three minutes to speak and must adhere to guidelines set forth in BCS Policy #2310 – Public Participation, including all reasonable rules established by the Superintendent.
**Following monthly Public Comments, the Board will hear public comments specifically related to the required board policies addressing the State’s Parents Bill of Rights statutes. These policies are linked in the meeting agenda.
Individuals wishing to speak during this time should sign up on the designated sheet before the meeting begins. These comments will adhere to the same public comment guidelines set forth in BCS Policy #2310.
Additionally, parents may email comments to be shared with the Board of Education to communications@bcsemail.org
Given the desire of BCS to provide the most information possible to the public, the public may view the live broadcast via YouTube on the BCS Communications Department YouTube Account at: YouTube.com/BuncombeSchools

We're so excited to see the next generation of teachers! According to AIG Specialist Stephanie Knox, on Friday, October 21, BCS Teacher Cadets and Future Teacher Clubs had an exciting day of learning and thinking about their bright futures! UNC-Asheville hosted these BCS high school students for their UNC-A Future Teacher Conference! Students enjoyed interacting with a panel of UNC-A teaching students, toured campus, and heard from faculty and staff presenters. The keynote speaker was Kimberly Jones, NC Teacher of the Year, 2023. Participating students were from: North Buncombe High, TC Roberson High, Erwin High, and Nesbitt Discovery Academy. "Many thanks to our UNC-A Bulldog neighbors for providing a day of learning and hope, mixed with Bulldog hospitality!"

Update for this year's Mid-Year Graduation:
The ceremony will be held on January 27, 2024, at Harrah's Cherokee Center Arena at 11 am; the Inclement Weather Date is January 28, also at Harrah's Cherokee Center Arena at 2 pm. Please reach out to your student's school for more details.
#BCSGrads #BCS

Announcing this year's Mid-Year Graduation! The ceremony will be held on January 27, 2024, at Harrah's Cherokee Center at 11 am; Inclement Weather Date is January 28, at the Thomas Wolfe Auditorium at 2 pm. Please reach out to your student's school for more details.

The Buncombe County Schools Board of Education is committed to providing a safe, inviting, and civil educational environment for all students, employees, and other members of the school community. The Board expects all students, employees, volunteers, and visitors to behave in a manner consistent with that goal. The Board recognizes that bullying and harassing behavior creates an atmosphere of intimidation and fear, detracts from the safe environment necessary for student learning, and may lead to more serious misconduct or to violence. Accordingly, the Board prohibits all forms of bullying and harassing behavior, including encouragement of such behavior, by students, employees, volunteers, and visitors. Additional information on reporting and responding to bullying is available here>>> https://bit.ly/3YG6ib4

🎒🖍📓 This weekend, the Buncombe County Sheriff's Office School Resource Officers and BCS staff members will be collecting school supplies at the Walmart on Hendersonville Rd. (1636 Hendersonville Rd.).
The hours are: Saturday, August 19- 10 am to 8 pm & Sunday, August 20- 10 am to 2:30 pm.
Examples of school items are as follows but not limited to:
-Book bags—lunchboxes—pencil boxes
-Binders—papers—art supplies (crayons/colored
- Pencils—pens—markers—highlighters
- Tissues—hand sanitizer—cleaning wipes
-Water bottles—dry erase markers—plug in ear-
buds—other school related items
-Printer paper
We hope to see you there as we work together to help ALL students have a great start to the school year!

Attention, BCS Staff:
We hope you are having a wonderful summer. Don't forget to check our Employee Values page regularly for local special discounts just for educators.

🌞 Our Summer Meals Program is in full swing! All children in our community are welcome to stop by one of the sites pictured below for a healthy meal!
#community #summermeals #summer #summer2023 #bcs

☑️Vote for the Buncombe County Schools Foundation to win one of 12 grants being awarded by The Community Betterment Foundation in honor of the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce's 125th Anniversary!
Through July 31, you can support Buncombe County Schools Foundation in its mission to build a strong and dynamic foundation for Buncombe County Schools students and educators. Please vote for the Foundation once a day to win one of twelve $10,000 grants in partnership with the Asheville Chamber of Commerce. There is strength in numbers; together, we are more through this powerful collaboration- “Building Community Through Business.”
Vote once a day to support BCS students, educators, and faculty. Follow this link:
Learn more: https://www.ashevillechamber.org/.../celebrating-125-years/

Breakfast and lunch will be provided at no cost to all students next school year!
We are pleased to inform you that Buncombe County Schools will be implementing a program available to schools participating in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Programs called the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). We will also implement Universal Meals at Nesbitt Discovery Academy (NDA).
What does this mean for you and your child(ren)?
Great news! All enrolled students at Buncombe County Schools are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at school at no cost to your household each day of the school year. Parents (except those with students at NDA), there are no action steps for you to take at this time to participate in this program. We look forward to serving your students beginning August 28, 2023.
NDA parents will receive separate instructions regarding Universal Meals.
If you have any questions about this letter, please contact us at Buncombe Schools Nutrition Office, 828 255-5932.

🎉 Congratulations to our 2024 Teacher of the Year (TOY) finalists! At tonight's Board of Education meeting (3/13), we honored ALL of our school-level TOYs and did a surprise announcement of our seven district finalists. They will go on to submit a full portfolio to the TOY selection committee to be considered for the 2024 BCS Teacher of the Year.
➡️ At-Large - Nicole Washburn, Martin L. Nesbitt, Jr. Discovery Academy
➡️ Enka - Misty Brooks, Candler Elementary School
➡️ Erwin - Joshua Canaan Frisby, Johnston Elementary School
➡️ North Buncombe - Mike Rowe, North Buncombe High School
➡️ Owen - Ashley Styles, Black Mountain Primary School
➡️ Reynolds - Maura Brouwer, A.C. Reynolds High School
➡️ Roberson - Susana Rana, Glen Arden Elementary School
#bcs #wearebcs #BCSadvantage #AshevilleNC #ashevillemoms #wnc #avl #avltoday

Buncombe County Schools is hosting an Educator Career Fair on Saturday, March 4, 2023, from 9 am - 12 pm. Location: 175 Bingham Road - Asheville, NC - Use entrance B. We are hiring Elementary, Intermediate, Middle, and High School Teachers for the 2023-24 school year and we want to meet you! Register at https://bit.ly/BCScareers. We look forward to seeing you soon!

All Buncombe County Schools will operate on a two-hour delay for students tomorrow, January 13.

Congratulations to our 2023 Teacher of the Year, Mr. Mike Rowe!

Twilight School is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, February 7, 2023. Twilight School will be held at the Buncombe County Schools Central Office building on Bingham Road in the Nesbitt Discovery Academy beginning at 4 p.m.
If you are interested,
2) Apply here: https://forms.gle/r6tjPC7x4f5iJARVA.

We're thankful for our students, teachers, families, and staff who make our schools shine every day! May you have a safe and restful Thanksgiving holiday. 🦃🍊🍁🍂❤️

Congratulations to our 2022 BCS Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Zimmerman! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6uiD94Z7vQ

Congratulations to Mrs. Jenny Zimmerman on receiving the Rising Star award from the Journalism Education Association! We are so proud of you! Read more about it: https://bit.ly/3KlW3kU