Overview - What is Title 1?

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Reading Specialist:  Kimberly Ferguson

Title One Instructional Assistants:  Angela Shuffler, Barbara Jacon, Liz Miles, and Peggy Williams

Title One is a federally funded program designed to help students succeed in reading.  Schools with a poverty rate above 40% may use Title One funds to operate a "school wide program".  Like the majority of elementary and all of the intermediate schools in Buncombe County,  North Windy Ridge school is a Title One school meaning all students benefit from additional services. Our specific program is called EPIC which stands for "Everyone Participates in a Challenge".   Many students at North Windy Ridge receive at least 30 minutes of supplemental small group reading instruction tailored to their individual needs.  In addition, Title One funding allows our school to improve our teaching supplies, train our teachers, as well as provide after school tutoring and parent outreach.