Student putting icing on a cupcake.
It's Yearbook TIme with picture of yearbook cover
An icon of two hands supporting a male and female student with a heart in the middle, to represent student wellness and care
Words "it's time for electives registration" accompanied by girl holding school books
chalk board with words "OMS Rising 6th Grade Parent Night"
Listening and Learning
OHS Info Night
OMS Students Level Up With E-Sports Club
SRO Appreciation
Students trying to crack the code to the escape box in math class.
BCS Middle School Students do Math where it Counts with MathCounts
Liam holding Math Counts certificate
Mrs. Weathington--BCS Middle School Counselor of the Year
noteboom in the hallway
OMS students show their art work
Students building a walking boot out of resources found in the classroom
woman at computer
Students make gingerbread houses in math class
Order Your Yearbook Today
Getting into the Holiday Spirit